CAGD 270 Level Design

3D Game Level 2 V1 April 19, 2023 - May 1, 2023 For this assignment, I had to construct a brand-new level design and its new theme relating to the medieval. It took me a lot of time to know what type of concept I wanted to rely on based on the theme and the environment. I was thinking of either making the level expire upon a village or the castle's inner walls. Making the village didn't let me experience experimenting with different ways to move forwards by not having any obstacles. I wanted to contribute by adding moving platforms or a form of parkour than just running around in a single plane. For starters, I wanted to make my concept art to reference the Gothic era of medieval. Still, I was struggling because I was a Perficient person who wished to be a replica. Unfortunately, I couldn't find any references I wanted to rely on, so I focused on the surroundings rather than the actual 3D platformer game-level design. All three concept art images below are a part of the ref...