CAGD 470: Video Game Production

 Sprint 1

Sprint 1 was a short progress week. I was and still am excited about the possibility of this game's outcome. The design is one of my favorite art aesthetics related to Greek mythology. I oversee this upcoming game's 2D art and modeling as a designer. Even though I am one of the designers, I need to double-check the progress relating to the lead designer. We are waiting for the wireframe and design document so we, the designers, have a clue about the art concept of each little detail—nothing more and nothing less than an orthodox view of the gameplay. Low poly is the main objective, yet most models have to have double sub-smooth for unreasonable shape objects needed for this project. I have faced multiple issues regarding the asteroids I have been assigned to model for this sprint. I tried to minimize the polycount for a low poly, but I was getting numerous ngons. It took me a while to figure out how to construct a single asteroid's crater on a sphere shape. I would also face unclear save file scenes of one asteroid opening up of a white noise mesh. So, I had to save multiple files to stop the outrage of a mesh object and keep the original shape from the last save.
The kick-off was in a whip. We hadn't had the chance to meet up and list what tasks we would be a sign for any upcoming sprints. I just needed to choose some tasks from the backlog and see the 'need' and 'must want' before 'wish.' I voluntarily picked to be a sign with the three asteroids, which became a challenge that I conquered.
As I mentioned, I only completed one of the asteroids with the concept art of all the asteroids to differentiate each individual. All I need to do is finish and texture the rest before starting a new task of modeling one of the enemies. I hope that in the upcoming sprint, I can progress even more than this sprint.


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