
CAGD 330: 3D Computer Modeling

Weekly Classic Car Blog Blog Post 1 The classic car I decided to model for this assignment is the 1956 Volkswagen Karmann Ghia. The main goal for this week was to obtain multiple references for the car's different side profiles and blueprint measurements. Also, an outline with curves is made, and the car's frame is blocked. Unfortunately, I didn't complete the block out of the car's frame because I was confused by the correct dimension of the curves when I could not increase the curve line thicker to see on a small screen. I did partly of the block out, but I wonder if I'm doing it correctly.                I want to see the car in full detail from all the videos. To fully understand the car's shape, I had to cut the image of the blueprint. I used the side and the top view as the best reference to identify the space, while I had to estimate the front and back views.   Concept Presentation

CAGD 470: Video Game Production

Sprint 3 09/30/24-10/13/2024 It was a sprint of learning and growth. I had to limit myself for a few days until I could return and motivate myself to my routine. I had to apply myself by learning new modeling methods with low poly and not extending to high poly. I have been testing different methods in Maya so I can limit myself by not using Zbrush for this type of game art style. By doing so, I faced the time of having Maya crash or freeze on me without realizing it and forgot to save my sense, which I had to re-do the same process from when I opened the file. I wasn't happy but very frustrated, which made me shut down my computer for any future complication with the system. I just started to save every chance I got before any significant changes. My dedication to the project was unwavering. This sprint kick-off was divided into two parts. The first part was what we were assigned from the previous sprint. As one of the artists, I had to continue what I picked as I created the Medu

CAGD 377: Mobile Game Development

Postmortem This final sprint is the final stretch of completing this unforgettable chaos combat of developing this mobile game within six months from start to finish. As a level designer, I cannot believe the hardship my group faced in these last moments of a stressful environment. As a group, we conquer multiple failures after failures, but in the final days, we accomplish more than we ever imagined. We hope to add more, but that will be for another day or time when we group again. The only requisition we, as the group, needed was time management and communication because other personal issues interfered with the project from different classes and individuals.  In development, we had some occasions where everything went in our favor, so we developed this production within our limits. We accomplished any block out from our meetings and gatherings by sitting next to each other and communicating during the process. The patience we had faced if GitHub, Android Studios, Unity, and Google p