CAGD 373 Game Asset Production

 Group Game Scene Project

Final Post

For this final post, I had to finish all the props from last week and this week with the correct UV sheets and send it to texturing. Lately, the most stressful was using the canoe itself, and the most time-consuming by not having any error geometry, if any, the texturing you be off-putting. I had to delete parts of the canoe within the top sides, in which the vertex and the edges weren’t connected towards one another, so to fix it, I needed to delete and start a new UV. Up close, there is a gap between the two sides of the canoe, the inside, and the outside shell, even though from far it looks good from the destination. The last prop I worked on was the trailer, even though it was meant to be part of the initial interaction with the player. I didn’t want to create the whole truck trailer but just the end half where the player gets off while entering the camp of the scene.
My computer had some issues, or Unity itself, because I did not have the correct final scene project. There were some errors involving GitHub, yet this was the first experience I faced throughout this project. At first, it went well, but the scene wasn’t the right fit, so I had to change it and contribute to the correct primary location, involving the environment, the programmer contributions, and the post-processing. I didn’t have the chance to see the final walkthrough until one of the group members sent a copy of the Unity package and the walkthrough video separately right after the due day. In my defense, Unity wasn’t the only one I experienced so far, yet this was a more massive part of this final project than just Maya and Rendering.
Overall, my contribution to this final game scene was the level design I had to merge from both references of the two campsites relating to the original game scene. I wanted to contribute to both maps by including the cabin, which in the original was involved while the other wasn’t. In other words, I needed to add and rely on the team leader (Alex) to verify if the blueprint layout was what he expected or if I needed to change before moving forward with the green light. While finishing my part, I started implementing the format into Unity in the terrain by just imagining how the size can affect the landscape and the environment from the scale. If necessary, I added other implications throughout the progress. I did face some errors from Unity, not having the suitable materials and textures related to the water, trees, and ground assets rather than just the pink material. In making this fix possible, I had to work with the programmer (Shawn) with GitHub, which caused some issues from itself. Lately, I have just helped with most of the props needed for this final project. As well as helping with eh Asset List and Unity together.

Sprint Review 4

This week wasn't the plan I expected, for I have dived my work into another project circulating all at once. For starters, I fixed the game scene, which was impacted last week with unwanted pink materials, especially the collaboration of GitHub, because it wouldn't let me import all the scene projects. So, I had to double-check my scene and the main scene and ensure both had to see if they mirrored each other. It took me almost a day to fix any tiny detail I had encountered throughout the progress, yet this scene isn't the final scene; it still needs the models, post-processing, and implying the program process. The video above proves the function and tendencies of how I rely on my annotated map as extruded by the leader's commands.
I also did some more side props, which would add more depth in the background near the water. At first, I thought the canoe would be the most difficult of all the props I constructed but somewhat durable, yet I only UV them once I completed all the props I was assigned with. The net itself and the rod were the most time-consuming because I doubted whether I needed the extra details even though it would not be the leading player itself. For the last week on dead week, I want to finally add all the models in the correct scale and add the main antagonist, the ghost itself, as some form of interaction with the main character. Yet, I still need to go through development with my groupmates for the final scene.

Sprint Review 3

Unfortunately, this week wasn’t the plan I predicted to accomplish with the lack of leadership and some errors I faced in Unity. To collaborate on using the same project in Unity, we used GitHub, so we, as a group, keep track of our progress, and until the end, we can merge into one single project as the final scene. To do my part, I had to delete some files that GitHub wouldn’t let me publish for others to see my scene, so I had to make more space, but I feel I deleted a unique folder that effectively the water material in my scene. I tried to delete the folder containing the prefab of the water and reinstall, yet I still had the same error of the water being a pink material even though I had to change it to URP Lit or just the Shader Graph. I need to fix this minor error based on clumsy action by erasing files I wasn’t supposed to, so I had to see if I could retrieve any missing files or if I must do another project and begin all over. While facing this obstacle, I had to keep our progress somewhat organized even though it was the middle of the progress. I still need to determine what other 3D models must be done and use texturing before applying them to the Unity scene. The image above is the updated spreadsheet I made with an assist list of the progress rather than just second-guessing towards the end.
Meanwhile, I was still making more 3D models I was assigned to accomplish this week. The only obstacle I faced was the sleeping bag because I used the sculpture function for the 3D model to be more realistic in the scene and just the progress of creating and the UVing. Before adding it into Unity, I hope it doesn’t affect the texturing and backing. For the following week, I hope to finish all the 3D models, UVing, and texturing because I need to add everything into the Unity scene and all the program progression being added.

Sprint Review 2

For this week, I had to work with Maya, Unity, and Photoshop to complete this week’s assignment. I started by getting both concept art I wanted to reference based on both maps of the game’s campsite as a foundation of the idea I wanted to involve in this game scene project. At first, I was confused about the campsite layout because there were two different names, Windwood and Maple, the only difference between them were the cabin or lodge in the scene. The image above represents the final annotated map I will use for the level design, where all the cursed items would likely be located for the player to pick up, but it might change throughout the progress. With this, I started applying to Unity; I only added the terrain, ground material, a summoning circle (which might change its location), the skybox, and water physics. The Unity game scene is located below with the summoning circle, which the leader assigned me.

For the rest of the time, I started making more props in Maya; it might be interactable with the player if needed. The cookware was easy to model using cylinders, extracting, cutting edges, separating, and merging. Although the lanterns were different, they had the same concept; I combined them by UVing them into groups by props, not linking them. The only difference is using curve implements to extrude the “wires or cables” and revolving them to the proper form of the reference to the model. It’s hilarious how the UV is more challenging for my eye’s sight to contribute the coloration with or without adding the vertex color. For the next week, I plan to start some models which have texturing completed into Unity, more models to meet, and add some VFX or any special effects which it can help improve the scene.

Sprint Review 1

Based on the game, I had to model two tents this week since it is Phasmophobia Camp Woodwind. To begin with, I needed to find references for different types of tents that might be good for the mind. I was initially indecisive because another group mate and I were trying to figure out what kind of tents we needed to contribute as an inspiration for the game. One of the tents I picked was easy because it resembles one of the tent players who get to interact by finding items in this tent called a ladder. Even though it wasn't the same tent, it had similarities to the length and width of the game's blue, red, and green tents.

In comparison, the other tent was more reasonable for the player to hide inside away from the ghost. This was my first time making these models using a cylinder and a square. It still needs more detail to add, especially the ladder tent, because I want to have a source of interaction for the player to go inside mid-way and see through the open screen; yet again, I still need to limit my tri-count. I also double-check if I am using the proper measurements from centimeters to meters and changing the grid for a better size to work on. When I finish finalizing the ladder, I need to UV them into one set and check if I have any wrong geometry. For next week, I want to plan out the accurate floor plan of the level design and work towards unity. If not, I can still model other objects if needed.


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